Friday, March 26, 2010

How do you fill the Ocean?

One drop at a time...

Who told us we need to get it all right at once?

Is that who you are? The real you - the one that feels good about needing to be right?
Is it so hard to simply know the part that you know? The part that fits 'you' and when something else is revealed that resonates with something deep inside you - you simply say yes and add it to the truth you already know about you.

It could be that we don't know our heart because no one else knows it. Its not safe to show it. And we can only KNOW AS WE ARE KNOWN (1 Cor 13). Its out of our heart the mouth speaks and out of the heart are the issues of life.

Giving in to the unhealthy expectations of others cuts us off from the reality of who we are - both the good and the twisted part of our identity. Spending a significant amount of time in surroundings where its not safe to be you is most often very damaging to the physical health of people -not to mention spiritually.

So it certainly follows that the opposite is likewise true. Giving in to the healthy expectations of others helps us get in touch with who we are created to be. And spending time in an enviroment where its safe to try and fail - an enviroment of practical grace where you are reconized as being unique and human and allowed to have problems - suddenly creates healthy movement.

I have experienced significant levels of both sides. The difference is LIFE CHANGING to say the least.
It will take a stack of truth about us in order to face the next dip or climb the mountain of our destiny.

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