When we think back on the good memories we have - like last weeks lunch with a friend who some how has a way of making you feel enjoyed, and exudes an atmosphere that quietly says: its safe to talk about anything you want, and I'll still enjoy being with you - or grabbing a sub and meeting up at the park on a perfect September day, simply sharing the joys and pains of everyday life with a few friends... these experiences have ways of changing us.
Lately I've been recognizing my need for simple, real, everyday relationships. Places where I can be with people who want to be real and who accept me when I am simply 'me' in every sense of the word. The more I choose to be real - simply talking about what is happening in my life - current frustrations - successes - fears, etc. the more freedom and joy I experience.
The theme for me spiritually continues to be John chapter 6, particularly verses 53-57. And the line that I've been learning how to live out is vs. 57 - he who feeds on Me will live because of Me. Jesus is forgiveness, love, healing, righteousness, wisdom... and the list goes on, but eating of His body and drinking of his blood means that we receive those attributes into our spirit - since His words are 'Spirit and Life', and this happens by faith. So I'm on a journey of learning how to live in a place of knowing I'm forgiven and made righteous by His death. When I fail or recognize that I'm giving my success or failure a large amount of attention, I'm learning to quietly turn back to Jesus - receiving the Life that only He can give. And then when His Presence begins to burn in my heart - even when I'm feeling frustrated/discouraged/or simply like I'm not a very good person - its encouraging because it becomes very clear that its something we accept by faith in Jesus - not by being good. The focus is not on our effort, but on His sacrifice. And Jesus asks us to - take and eat, otherwise we die.
I was talking with a friend the other day about how my legalistic mentality is so damaging. It shows up in how I'm not okay with having unresolved issues. Somehow we have been taught that we have to have all our ducks in a row - our act together even though we know that we don't - no one does. When you take any religion or belief and combine it with fear - you will always find a legalistic/law focused, un-relational/emotionally unsafe environment that is actually perpetuated by obligation and fear of others.
Grace gives us the love we need to come out of hiding, since it makes it safe to do so - and this disarms the power of our brokenness which otherwise would separate us from each other, and eat away at us from the inside out! Grace is what draws us to 'walking in the light, so the blood of Jesus can be our righteousness' 1 John 1:7.
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