Sunday, August 1, 2010

Why Information over Relationship

Here are some great reasons to seek the knowledge of good and evil.

1. We don't need to be dependent on God (except for entrance into heaven of course).

2. It gives us the tools we need to look good to men.

3. It provides a sense of security and safety.

4. Once we've come to a conclusion of what is right and wrong we are now free to judge others (or at least look down on others) who think differently about what is right and what is wrong - separating ourselves into small groups within groups within organizations.

5. We can find much needed acceptance by keeping the varying list of important things like: Don't ever miss a program and if you come Wed nights you are extra special, listen to the right kind of music, drive a middle class car, always be cheerful even when you are dying inside, don't ask the pastor hard questions, do whatever possible to keep the program running, wear the right kind of clothing, start every prayer with - Dear God, thank you for this beautiful day. Accept the pastor's belief that all other church programs are lesser then yours, this will help keep the program running smoothly definitely help you gain acceptance.
6. Faith is not needed. We don't have to take the risk of believing in the supernatural.

7. Humility is not needed. Once we're saved we can make it on our own simply by holding on to godly principles.

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